Visual Studio Code For Unity

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Create Unity classes and methods easily.

  1. Visual Studio Code Intellisense For Unity
  2. Microsoft Visual Studio Code For Unity

Extension for Visual Studio Code - Unity MonoBehaviour function snippets with documentation. For Visual Studio Code on Windows, the required file is “ Code.exe ” and can be found at “ C:Program FilesMicrosoft VS Code ” (or C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft VS Code ). On macOS, the file is “ ” and can be found at “ /Applications ”. Finally, this “ Unity Preferences ” section will be shown like this. I've been learning C# and Unity, but one problem I have is when writing the C# script on Visual Studio, VS seem to always recommend scripts not useful for Unity. An example is when I type in Vector3, it'll recommend BitVector32. You can't ignore them as if I just continue typing, it'll force these suggestion all the time, I end up with mistakes. The Unity Editor installer includes an option to install Visual Studio with the Visual Studio Tools for Unity plug-in A set of code created outside of Unity that creates functionality in Unity. There are two kinds of plug-ins you can use in Unity: Managed plug-ins (managed.NET assemblies created with tools like Visual Studio) and Native plug. You can use many IDEs with Unity but we recommend the Visual Studio Code for Unity because it is lightweight, powerful and it comes with tons of extensions which allow you to add great functionality to the IDE. So, if you are looking for a powerful IDE for Unity then.


All Unity code snippets you need. This extension intends to be the complete collection of Unity snippets for Visual Studio Code.

It takes advantage of latest Visual Studio Code snippets features to create the code faster for you.


Visual Studio Code For UnityStudio

Create game classes like MonoBehaviours, NetworkBehaviours and StateMachineBehaviours easily. Also create common methods like Start(), Update() or OnTriggerEnter2D() and log calls.


Create an Editor classes like Editor, EditorWindow and PropertyDrawer as easy as it can be.


You never remember the property that goes with the ScriptableObject to create it via Unity create menu? Not a problem.


As in any Visual Studio Code Extension you have several options to install:

  • Enter the Visual Studio Code Marketplace, search for Unity Code Snippets (or enter directly on the extension page) and click on Install button.
  • Inside Visual Studio Code, enter in the Extensios panel, search for Unity Code Snippets and click on Install button
  • Run the following command in the Command Palette:

All the snippets

Start typing the names to create the corresponding snippets.

  • Game classes:

    • MonoBehaviour
    • StateMachineBehaviour
    • NetworkBehaviour
    • ScriptableObject
  • Editor Classes:

    • Editor
    • Editor with Reorderable List(NEW)
    • EditorWindow
    • PropertyDrawer
    • ScriptableWizard
  • MonoBehaviour Methods:

    • Awake()
    • FixedUpdate()
    • LateUpdate()
    • OnAnimatorIK()
    • OnAnimatorMove()
    • OnApplicationFocus()
    • OnApplicationPause()
    • OnApplicationQuit()
    • OnAudioFilterRead()
    • OnBecameInvisible()
    • OnBecameVisible()
    • OnCollisionEnter()
    • OnCollisionEnter2D()
    • OnCollisionExit()
    • OnCollisionExit2D()
    • OnCollisionStay()
    • OnCollisionStay2D()
    • OnConnectedToServer()
    • OnControllerColliderHit()
    • OnDestroy()
    • OnDisable()
    • OnDisconnectedFromServer()
    • OnDrawGizmos()
    • OnDrawGizmosSelected()
    • OnEnable()
    • OnFailedToConnect()
    • OnFailedToConnectToMasterServer()
    • OnGUI()
    • OnJointBreak()
    • OnJointBreak2D()
    • OnMasterServerEvent()
    • OnMouseDown()
    • OnMouseDrag()
    • OnMouseEnter()
    • OnMouseExit()
    • OnMouseOver()
    • OnMouseUp()
    • OnMouseUpAsButton()
    • OnNetworkInstantiate()
    • OnParticleCollision()
    • OnParticleTrigger()
    • OnPlayerConnected()
    • OnPlayerDisconnected()
    • OnPostRender()
    • OnPreCull()
    • OnPreRender()
    • OnRenderImage()
    • OnRenderObject()
    • OnSerializeNetworkView()
    • OnServerInitialized()
    • OnTransformChildrenChanged()
    • OnTransformParentChanged()
    • OnTriggerEnter()
    • OnTriggerEnter2D()
    • OnTriggerExit()
    • OnTriggerExit2D()
    • OnTriggerStay()
    • OnTriggerStay2D()
    • OnValidate()
    • OnWillRenderObject()
    • Reset()
    • Start()
    • Update()
  • Some useful code snippets:

    • Debug.Log() (type log)
    • Debug.LogError() (type logerror)
    • Debug.LogWarning() (type logwarning)
    • Debug.LogException() (type logexception)

If you have any suggestions, open an issue in the Github project page and I'll add it as soon as I can :).

If you like the color theme of the previews, you can download it here: Base16 Ocean Dark Extended Theme.

Thanks you for downloading this extension.

Visual Studio Code For Unity-->


Visual Studio Tools for Unity is a free Visual Studio extension that turns Visual Studio into a powerful tool for developing cross-platform games and apps with Unity.

Visual Studio Code Intellisense For Unity

While the Unity editor is great for putting your game world together, you can't write your code in it. With Visual Studio Tools for Unity, you can use the familiar code editing, debugging and productivity features of Visual Studio to create editor and game scripts for your Unity project using C#, and you can debug them using Visual Studio's powerful debugging capabilities.

But Visual Studio Tools for Unity is more than that; it also has deep integration with Unity editor so that you'll spend less time switching back and forth to do simple tasks, provides Unity-specific productivity enhancements, and puts the Unity documentation at your fingertips.

Compatible with Visual Studio Community on Windows and macOS and bundled with Unity

Visual Studio and Visual Studio for Mac Community is available for free, and is bundled with Unity installs. Visit the Visual Studio Tools for Unity getting started documentation for more information about installation and setup.

IntelliSense for Unity messages

Microsoft Visual Studio Code For Unity

IntelliSense code-completion makes it fast and easy to implement Unity API messages like OnCollisionEnter, including their parameters.

Superior debugging

Visual Studio Tools for Unity supports the robust debugging features that you expect from Visual Studio:

Unity code editor
  • Set breakpoints, including conditional breakpoints.
  • Evaluate complex expressions in the Watch window.
  • Inspect and modify the value of variables and arguments.
  • Drill down into complex objects and data structures.

Integrated suggestions for best practices and performance insights

Write better code that captures the best practices with Visual Studio's deep understanding of Unity projects.

CodeLens support for Unity scripts and messages

Unity scripts and message functions are decorated with hints to make it easier to recognize what's provided by Unity and what's your code.

Visual studio code debugger for unity


CodeLens support is available in Visual Studio 2019.

Optimized view of all your scripts to match Unity

The Unity Project Explorer (UPE) is an alternative way to view you project files over the standard Solution Explorer. The UPE filters the files shown and presents them in a hierarchy that matches Unity (View > Unity Project Explorer in Visual Studio 2019).


The Unity Project Explorer is available in Visual Studio 2019. In Visual Studio for Mac, the Solution Pad has similar behaviour by default for Unity projects - no additional views are required.

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